Liaocheng Chemical Enterprise Waste Salt Microwave Thermal Analysis Resource Disposal Phase II Demonstration Project
点击浏览:1次 日期:2015-10-19

Model of microwave thermal analysis equipment:HTMW-S10

Processing Capacity:10t/d

Installed Power:415 kW

Waste salt indicators:The by-product of polycarbonate production process is sodium chloride, with a moisture content of about 5%

Treatment process:Microwave drying+microwave pyrolysis

Pyrolysis Temperature:400~450C

Processing time:30~40min

Operation energy consumption:300kWh/t

Treatment effect:After treatment, the TOC decreased to below 10ppm, meeting the TOC limit requirements for entering the ion membrane

Size of microwave pyrolysis reactor:13500*2340*2000mm

Project landing time:2022.06